Seodity 3.0 - beta

🛠 Planned

AI SEO on Autopilot

Seodity workstream - recommendations/automation (beta)

  • research new article ideas, automate writing outline
  • automatically finding key on-site issues
  • automatically finding the best competitors
  • automatically finding the best keywords for tracking

Seodity AI content editor (beta)

  • new UI of the editor
  • ranking system based on EEAT audit and NLP
  • recommendation system
  • outline editor
  • new process of generating articles (the beginning of research is started by making a couple of SERPS checks and deep analysis of each competitor)
  • more content ideas
  • terms counter

Seodity Content Planner (soon)

  • automate content plan
  • user journey based on the search intent (informational, navigational, commercial, transactional)
  • content recommendation

Seodity 3.0 UI/UX

  • new UI
  • new menu with more options
  • new preloading system (much more smoother)
Grzegorz Graczyk

6 months ago

Grzegorz Graczyk changed status to 🛠 Planned

6 months ago

2 votes