Categories in Rank Tracker

πŸ’ͺ Now available

You will be able to categorize your tracked keywords.

Marcin Pastuszek

1 year ago

Marcin Pastuszek changed status to πŸ’ͺ Now available

1 year ago


awesome. please also think of an additional automatic tagging, like for search intent. (commercial if it contains "buy", "shop",... or
informational if it contains "how to, "definition" and so on.)


2    1 year ago    Reply

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Paul Purczel

This is a great feature. I have had an antranks subscription for years, and this feature is extremely useful especially for larger sites with hundreds of keywords related to various different services.

1    1 year ago    Reply

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That will be great! Thanks

0    1 year ago    Reply

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Best add a way to add notes to the keywords you want to track. that would be great. thanks.

1    1 year ago    Reply

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In addition to the categories, that would be great

0    1 year ago    Reply

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We love to listen to our customers.


It should be possible to add tracked keywords to a single cluster/category or keyword tagging can be enabled.

2    1 year ago    Reply

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Very useful, thank you.

1    1 year ago    Reply

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Marcin Pastuszek changed status to πŸ›  Planned

1 year ago