Content Editor

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Content Editor will be supported by our massive database of organic&paid traffic and AI.

Marcin Pastuszek

1 year ago

Grzegorz Graczyk changed status to πŸ’ͺ Now available

1 year ago


Hello Marcin Pastuszek! Make sure that you include the locality. Simply processing the data with SERPS at the state level is not really up to date and would give you an enormous competitive advantage. Of course, only if you really include all localities such as federal states, counties and cities in the RankTracker. Good luck.

1    1 year ago    Reply

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is this something like Seosurfer's NLP optimizer?

0    1 year ago    Reply

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Yes, but I hope it will be better with all the backlink data from competitors and so on πŸ˜€

1    1 year ago    Reply

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What about the feature itself?
Can you share more details?

0    1 year ago    Reply

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Anthony K.

Strange that you did not get any reply..

0    1 year ago    Reply

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Hey Marcin,
Can you give more details about this interesting feature, please?

0    1 year ago    Reply

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Will this feature available for all Tiers?

0    1 year ago    Reply

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Marcin Pastuszek

Yes, it will also be available for LTD users (all tiers).

1    1 year ago    Reply

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@Marcin Pastuszek: Awesome!

0    1 year ago    Reply

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Marcin Pastuszek changed status to πŸ›  Planned

1 year ago